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Flight Attendant

Flight Attendant

The main responsibility of a flight attendant is to make sure that the passengers are safe and at ease. Flight attendan...
Fashion Photographer

Fashion Photographer

It is the fashion photographers job to not only take the photos, but also to make sure that the photographs share the s...


Another name for a cinematographer is the director of photography (DP). They are the ones who handle the cameras, and i...
Aircraft Maintenance Manager

Aircraft Maintenance Manager

Aircraft maintenance managers are responsible for making sure that everything is running smoothly at the aircraft maint...
Sports Commentator

Sports Commentator

The primary task of a sports commentator is to relay the activities that are happening on the field to their audience w...
Broadcast Technicians

Broadcast Technicians

Broadcast technicians are responsible for setting up, operating, adjusting and maintaining the equipment & tools th...


The main responsibility of an actor is to communicate a particular situation and/or character to an audience using gest...
Air crew officers

Air crew officers

Air crew officers have a number of inflight duties that facilitate the completion of the mission their aircraft set out...
Airline Pilot

Airline Pilot

Airline pilots are responsible for flying passengers and/or cargo on flights for a wide range of purposes, including bu...

Random Careers which you may find exciting

Sports Journalist

Sports Journalist

Sports journalists have the task of informing and entertaining people about all the happenings in the realm of sports. ...
Chartered Accountant

Chartered Accountant

The main purpose of chartered accountants is to gather, organize, analyze and present data on financial records of a pa...


Dietitians or nutritionists plan, implement and supervise dietary plans for individuals and groups. They analyze curren...
Animal Scientist

Animal Scientist

Animal scientists study and conduct research on domestic animals in areas such as genetics, nutrition, growth, breeding...