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Biology covers a broad area within the life sciences. Usually specialize in one area and are recognized and named by th...
Fashion Journalist

Fashion Journalist

The job entails informing the common public about the ongoing trends in the constantly changing world of fashion. The j...
Fashion Photographer

Fashion Photographer

It is the fashion photographers job to not only take the photos, but also to make sure that the photographs share the s...


Psychologists study, analyze & assess people and their behavior. Their focus is on the human mind and the physiolog...
Fitness Trainer

Fitness Trainer

Fitness trainers are hired to help people achieve and maintain good physical health, plan and implement exercise routin...
Career Counselor

Career Counselor

Career counseling or careers advice, as it is commonly referred to as, entails processes such as career changing and ca...
Electronics Engineer

Electronics Engineer

Electronics engineers are involved in designing, creating, developing, testing and supervising an extensive variety of ...
Sports Medicine Physician

Sports Medicine Physician

Sports medicine physicians are also commonly known as sport physicians or sports medicine doctors. Sports medicine doct...

Random Careers which you may find exciting

Police Officer

Police Officer

A police officer protects the lives and property of citizens from crime by deterring, investigating, apprehending and p...
Art Director

Art Director

Art Directors are in charge of creating campaigns for advertisements, web designs, animations etc. They make designs, m...
Fashion Journalist

Fashion Journalist

The job entails informing the common public about the ongoing trends in the constantly changing world of fashion. The j...
Physical Therapist

Physical Therapist

A physiotherapist works with patients with impairments, injuries or disabilities and helps rehabilitate them by buildin...