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Electronics Engineer

Electronics Engineer

Electronics engineers are involved in designing, creating, developing, testing and supervising an extensive variety of ...


The main responsibility of an actor is to communicate a particular situation and/or character to an audience using gest...
Sports Commentator

Sports Commentator

The primary task of a sports commentator is to relay the activities that are happening on the field to their audience w...
Plant Scientist

Plant Scientist

Plant scientists study plants & crops in order to develop newer methods to improve their quality and quantity. Ther...
Software Engineer

Software Engineer

The primary task of a software engineer is to design new software for operating systems. However, the job does not end ...


Psychologists study, analyze & assess people and their behavior. Their focus is on the human mind and the physiolog...


While most people have a general idea of what astronauts do, there are many misconceptions that commonly exist about th...
Environmental Engineer

Environmental Engineer

Environmental engineering entails designing new methods of production and new methods of pollution control in order to ...