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Career Counselor

Career Counselor

Career counseling or careers advice, as it is commonly referred to as, entails processes such as career changing and ca...


Newsreaders gather information & present it to the viewers to keep them informed about the daily happenings around ...


While most people have a general idea of what astronauts do, there are many misconceptions that commonly exist about th...
Police Officer

Police Officer

A police officer protects the lives and property of citizens from crime by deterring, investigating, apprehending and p...


A job as a professional cartoonist entails story telling in a unique medium. Cartoonists may work on animated multimedi...


There are a number of different opportunities that you can avail if you decide to enter the career path of an allergist...
Investment Underwriter

Investment Underwriter

Investment underwriters, primarily speaking, are responsible for securing funds for private or even public corporations...


Psychologists study, analyze & assess people and their behavior. Their focus is on the human mind and the physiolog...